Experience, Leadership, Mentoring
Meet The PVB Team

The talented and dedicated people behind the scenes of the Pioneer Valley Ballet are the glue that hold us together and the spark that inspires greatness on all levels.
Faculty & Staff
Grace Downey Office Manager
Charis Moeckel-Cole Faculty
Board of Directors
Melissa Stern, PVB President, Thom Child and Family Services
Marisss Dombkowski, PVB Vice President, Yankee Candle
Tony Brown, PVB Secretary, AT&T
Mary Jo Kennedy, PVB Treasurer, Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas, LLP
Jennifer Grow, Mount Holyoke College
Lisa Moskow, MSAA
Donna Reese, River Valley Counseling Center, Inc
Daniel Rist, Majestic Theater & Smith College
Advisory Board
John DiBartolo, Law Office of John P. DiBartolo, Jr.
Rebecca Goggins, The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art
Megan Downey, Advance Local & MassLive
Ed Dvorchak, PVB Community Relations Officer
Cathy Hartley, dZI, Inc.
Lucesita Scammon, Bay Care Health